Monday, October 18, 2010

Religion and Politics

This blog is a forum for free discussion of all things religion and politics. Hopefully the information and ideas shared here will help enlighten and make people smarter. Over the last few decades society has become more polarized politically, religiously, and financially. It is a shame that people cant accept that they may be wrong and open their minds to other ideas and philosophies.  Faith is just that, a belief in something that cannot be proved. So instead of letting faith rule our societies and judgement, shouldn't reason judge all. And since no faith can be proven, shouldnt members of all faiths accept the fact they may be wrong, but they prefer to comfort themselves with their faith? Until someone comes back from the dead, and it can be scientifically proven, I will not have faith in anything other than reason. That being said I would like to welcome you to being enlightened and join in the conversation. Hopefully together we can make people realize they are all stupid to a degree and we all need to work together through reason to make society a better place for all.

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